Museo Pasta Cuomo
Sometimes during the life it happens to come across your own story, which it materializes almost to fulfill a larger design.
Our museum was born just like that. We didn’t miss the opportunity to recreate virtually the ancient history of our family and the unique places that characterized it. This is the places we still live today.
Would you discover the history of the oldest pasta family in the world? Here it is. Come and discover our 200 years of history here in Via Roma.
In the same time, we will show you our artisan production process with the best technologies of the moment.
We will excite you and for a day you will open the door of our family.
To visit the MUSEUM please reserve by phone +39 0810601402 or send an email to

“The Museum was financed thanks to the Invitalia Tender about Culture – Priority Axis II – Activation of development potentials linked to Culture Action 3.A.1.a support interventions for the creation of new businesses”.
The Museum was born in the ancient spaces occupied by the old “ANTICA FABBRICA DI PASTE ALIMENTARI CUOMO”. The room used by the museum in the well knew Via Roma 27 represents a historical, architectural and cultural heritage and has allowed to give splendor to the finds of industrial archeology and family history that the Cuomo family kept and which are still visible today: funnels unloading the groats, the ventilation points and the only example in the world of a cylinder mill and steam pasta factory with vertical development.
One time this place housed the passage space for durum wheat which was before unloaded, then through the drain funnels into the floor, it was transferred to the underground tanks to be rinsed, dried and finally transferred to the ancient Cuomo mill, in the back of the building, to be minced.
This is the only place in Gragnano to have iron ceilings with vaults made entirely with bricks, while the floors are entirely in original basalt and the walls are made with tufaceous stones from the neighboring quarries. Precisely for its architectural configuration, this represents a unique exhibition venue of its kind for the suggestion of the environment and the richness of the preserved materials. This place, in addition to documenting the culture of the territory of the Monti Lattari and Gragnano Regional Park, preserves ancient bronze dies and other objects that make it a unique place of its kind, giving the visitor a rich overview of the productive, cultural and historical design of the city. The premises of the historic Pastificio Cuomo have been renovated and furnished in full compliance with the originally conceived architectural, urban and stylistic characteristics. This is a clear sign of attention to the etic, aesthetic and cultural value, we have chosen to share for the enhancement of our territory”.

Here is a preview

La migliore pasta che abbia mai cucinato ai miei clienti vip internazionali conosciuta grazie all amico chef Nando Melileo. Aspetto, presentazione eccellente, forme uniche, trafilata al bronzo, 3 giorni messa ad asciugare. Anch'io la uso a Villa Fiorentino & Villa dei Fisici Positano.
Non conoscevo ancora la vostra pasta ma mi avete piacevolmente stupito con le penne triangolari pomodoro e basilico!